At Legend Mining, we understand that the success of our projects extends beyond the boundaries of our operations. It encompasses the communities we impact, especially Indigenous communities whose lands and traditions are intertwined with our mining activities. Our commitment to fostering respectful and productive relationships with these communities is a cornerstone of our business practices. This article explores how Legend Mining aligns with industry standards, particularly the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) Protocol, and how we are working towards strengthening these essential partnerships. 

A Foundation of Respect and Trust 

Building and maintaining respectful relationships with Indigenous communities is not just a regulatory requirement for Legend Mining; it is a fundamental value embedded in our corporate ethos. We recognize that successful mining operations require more than just technical expertise; they demand meaningful engagement and collaboration with communities whose lives and lands are affected by our activities. 

Alignment with TSM Protocols 

Our approach aligns closely with the Mining Association of Canada’s (MAC) Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) Protocol, specifically the Indigenous and Community Relationships Protocol. This protocol outlines best practices for engaging with communities of interest, including Indigenous groups, and emphasizes transparency, respect, and mutual benefit. By adhering to these guidelines, Legend Mining ensures that our engagement processes are comprehensive and effective. 

Identifying Communities of Interest 

Our first step in building strong relationships is to identify and understand the communities of interest that may be impacted by our projects. This involves engaging with Indigenous groups, local governments, and other stakeholders to understand their concerns, priorities, and perspectives. We utilize various tools, including community mapping and stakeholder consultations, to ensure that no key voice is overlooked. 

Developing and Maintaining Relationships 

Once communities are identified, we focus on establishing and nurturing meaningful relationships. This involves ongoing dialogue, transparent communication, and collaboration on key issues. We hold regular meetings with community representatives to discuss project developments, address concerns, and explore opportunities for joint initiatives. 

Building Capacity and Supporting Development 

Beyond engagement, we are committed to supporting community development and capacity building. This includes providing training and employment opportunities for Indigenous individuals, supporting local businesses, and investing in community projects that align with our corporate values and community interests. 

Mitigating Adverse Impacts 

An essential part of our commitment is to proactively address and mitigate any adverse impacts our operations may have on communities. This involves rigorous environmental assessments, monitoring, and mitigation strategies to minimize negative effects and ensure that our activities are conducted responsibly. 

Maximizing Social Benefits 

We strive to optimize the social benefits generated from our projects. This includes creating local job opportunities, supporting local businesses through procurement, and investing in community infrastructure and programs. By focusing on these areas, we aim to create positive, lasting impacts that contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the communities we work with. 

Responsive to Community Feedback 

Effective communication is a two-way street. We are committed to being responsive to community feedback, whether it comes through formal channels or informal conversations. We have established mechanisms for receiving and addressing community concerns, including dedicated contact points and regular feedback sessions. 

Continuous Improvement 

We believe in continuous improvement and regularly review our engagement processes to ensure they are effective and aligned with community needs. This involves soliciting feedback from community members, assessing our performance against TSM indicators, and making necessary adjustments to enhance our approach. 

Education and Training 

We are also focused on responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Call to Action 92 iii. This includes providing education and skills-based training for our staff on Indigenous history and intercultural competency to ensure respectful and informed interactions with Indigenous communities. 

Looking Ahead: Future Commitments 

As we move forward, Legend Mining is committed to expanding our engagement initiatives and deepening our relationships with Indigenous and local communities. We will continue to align with TSM protocols, invest in community development, and ensure that our operations create positive, sustainable impacts. 

We recognize that building strong partnerships is an ongoing process. Our goal is to continuously strengthen our relationships with Indigenous and community stakeholders, ensuring that we remain a trusted and valued partner in the communities where we operate. 

At Legend Mining, our commitment to Indigenous and community relationships is integral to our success. By adhering to TSM protocols, actively engaging with communities, and focusing on mutual benefits, we build strong, respectful partnerships that drive positive outcomes for all stakeholders. As we look to the future, we remain dedicated to fostering these relationships and contributing to the well-being and prosperity of the communities we serve. 

For more information on our community engagement efforts or to get involved, please visit our website or contact us at or 705.885.3801. Join us in building a sustainable and collaborative future in mining.